Crashplan Backup

Crashplan features easy file backup that protects and recovers your precious data. LDEO IT has negotiated a centralized backup protection for your Mac, Windows, and Linux systems. The agreement complies with all the requirements recommended by Columbia University and by national standards including at rest file encryption features. Please review Columbia University Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy

Some of the features of the current license:
  • No file size restrictions
  • You control how long we keep your files.
  • If you move your external drive, CrashPlan will pick up where it left off the next time you plug in your drive.
  • Runs automatically in the background. It doesn't slow you down.

If you are interested to purchase, please write to [email protected] directly with the number of devices that you would like to backup, Operating System for each, amount of backup storage needed for each, and a chart string for a three year contract.

Please click here to see if your OS is currently supported by the Crashplan. Crashplan usually doesn't develop the software for the OS version deprecated by the Company.

Send email to askit for installation instruction.

View status of the code42 service
ps auxww | grep -i CrashPlanService

As an example, if your output is like below, your CP service is running -

root             16848   0.1  1.7  8314372 144060   ??  SNs  24Jun20 731:27.33 /Applications/ -Duser.install=0

If the command does not produce any output, the service is not running.

Start/Stop the service


sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.engine.plist



sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.engine.plist


File restoration and exclusion can be done from the client GUI. To launch GUI -

Go to your Applications folder and launch



Select settings


Click Backup Sets


Exclude files by their file types or by regular expressions (if you have some familiarity)


Send email to askit for installation instruction.

Send email to askit for installation instruction.